Friday, 18 December 2009

Thank You

I just wanted to say a massive Thank You to all you guys who offered so much support and advice during these recent dark days. I really dont know what I would have done without you all.

I have trawled through phone records, bank records, emails, websites, chat forums etc, going back over the last year and turned this house upside looking for more evidence, (rather obsessively actually!), however I have found none. I can only assume that it was just these two emails were the only form of recent communication.

I have emailed her back, again, with a warning that if she so much as attempts to make any further communication to my husband, ever, 'I'll hang her out to dry'.

As for him, although still pleading his innocence, he is going to be in the dog-house for the forseeable future. I'm still not sure where my future lies, but for now, it is time to move on out of this dark, nasty place and get on with life.

I have taken my 'eye off the ball'. I have missed my blogging chums, reality mates, my kids and my family. The thing that annoys me the most, is that during all this I finally received my licence through, so I can start my own practice. Unknowingly, I ignored my licence and flung it under a pile of crap. It ended up with tea stains all over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, here's to moving on, getting focused and getting back on track.




  1. Hi sweetie, been missing you. Hope at the very least you have a peaceful Christmas anyway. xxx

  2. Congratulations on getting your licence and Merry Christmas. I hope that 2010 is a good year for you.

  3. well done on getting your license and i hope you have a nice christmas, you deserve some serious amount of presents from the dog in the dog house. Take care love amy xxxxx

  4. Was wondering how you were getting on. Glad things are improved for you. Happy Christmas.

  5. Congrats on your license! I can't imagine what you must have been feeling these last couple of weeks! But you sound like a strong woman who will get through this no matter what happens! Merry Xmas and all the best for 2010!

  6. You've got it right. Enjoy life, all of it. You can't really keep an eye out on your husband without losing yourself in misery. So don't, let it go completely... the score is now two strikes... he knows what three strikes means. You can deal with it should it ever happen, but you will never be happy if you are constantly waiting for the other shoe to fall.

    Throw it all off and have a Merry Christmas for you and your whole family.

  7. So pleased to see you out there blogging and tweeting again. I'd echo eloh's comments.

    Big Congrats on getting your licence.

    Hope you all have a very Happy Xmas and that 2010 brings you all you wish for x

  8. Well done you, getting your licence. Wishing you resilience and resolve to get you through the festive season. xx

  9. Sorry I have not been here as much as I would have liked. 2010 i shall do better. Hoping you manage a happy time this christmas, thank you for your friendship and take care of yourself. x

  10. Congratulations on your license. You have been through the mill, but lets hope the new year brings good things.

    best wishes,


  11. I am so pleased that you sound positive about your life again. And how amazing that you now have your licence. I guess you'll have to charge me in future!!!!

    You take care and remember that support is out there because you are a good friend.

    CJ xx

  12. So pleased your licence has arrived.
    I hope that in spite of everything you and the children manage to have a wonderful Christmas x

  13. Hope you have a good Christmas and that 2010 is a better year xxx

  14. Hello sweetie :) Congrats on getting your licence. I have been reading but have been oh so crap at commenting on everyone's blogs lately. I hope you're ok and that 2010 is a better year for you. Big hugs xxx

  15. Congrats on your license, and hang in there, girl.

    Hoping you have a fabulous Christmas and will have a fabulous New Year, and that you find some peace of mind very soon.


  16. Hi,

    I just stumbled onto your blog today and wanted to reach out with support.

    You are obviously a very strong woman. Keep your eye on the ball and you'll get through this.

    Hang in there,

  17. I'm so late...doesn't mean I don't still love you though! You ok? Crappy bloody snow means I can't leave the house. Hmmmph. Hope you're faring better xxx

  18. Congratulations and heres to 2010 for you!

  19. Have tagged you over at mine in the favourite photo meme - you can thank me later - I know how much you love the tags!! Photo of me if you're interested!! xx

  20. Hi you, I have something over at mine for you.. It will brighten your day (I hope) and give you something to do..I have missed you too.

  21. Hi - had no idea you'd been through this. I was just looking back through my blogging year from when I started in March 09 and you were one of my first followers. I hope to keep connecting with you in 2010 and that all is well.



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