Tuesday 14 April 2009

Dead or Alive

I had this thought whilst half-asleep and mid-fantasy;

What would it be like to be able to associate with anyone you really liked or admired. Someone who was rich and/or famous, dead or alive. What would you do? Have a chat, snog someones face off, marry them, ask them a question you've always had a burning desire to ask or just simply hang out with them?

This is my fantasy life:

I would
  • Marry Johnny Depp - because with that beautiful face who wouldn't wake up to that every morning - provided he wore his pirate costume at least once a week.
  • Live next door to Elvis, so I could pop 'round for a cuppa and listen to him 'jam' with his mates and then we could sing a bit of gospel (love it).

  • Have a good chin-wag with the Dali Lama.
  • Brush Albert Einstein's hair.

  • Hang out with Lizzie the First for a while (I admire her greatly, considering she had all those men to boss around - a woman after my own heart!).
  • Pop over to Egypt and talk to Cleopatra about her Needle.

  • Ask Casanova what he really thought of women
  • Snog Barrack Obama. (Well he is the first good-looking president we've had since JFK)

  • Spend at least an hour with Nelson Mandela - what a life! What a man!

  • Ask Bruce Lee to show me the 'one-inch punch'

Whilst I was doing all this I'd get Angie to watch the kids....

What would you do?



  1. Ha ha. Like it.

    Yes I would marry anyone rich!!!

    But hang out with Bob Marley (a few years ago - not now obviously)!! I'd get him to sing me some songs so I could go all gooey.

    I'd also hang out with Bruce Lee (like your style lady) cos I need the moves too.

    And Muhammad Ali if he'd let just a little bit of his magic float over me.

    Who else? Crikey. I'm getting stuck here. I think I need some ladies. Someone funny to make me laugh. Jo Brand possibly. Just to hang out with though.

    And Jamie Oliver to come and cook for me every night and teach me what food to give to my children cos I think they're bored with beans on toast!

    That will do for the moment. Might have to have more of a think about it!!

  2. PS - My blog roll is picking up your feed again.

  3. Hurrah for the feed! Easter hols is coming to an end....so is the meltdown for humans and computers!

    I forgot about Bob - I used to listen to him all the time..three little birds and all that.x

  4. Love the Albert Einstein grooming moment. And I'm with MT on booking Jamie O in for kitchen duty (I have briefly worked with him and he does not disappoint -SOooo charismatic I almost fancied him).

    Think Brad Pitt would have to feature fairly near the top of the list. Preferably from his Thelma & Louise days. But I'd want to ask him a few questions before lust rendered me a drooling mute. Like, did he sleep with Angie while he was with Jen? Is Ange a bit of a nutcase really? Does he secretly miss being married to Jen? And why did he leave Gwyneth Paltrow? Think that's all I had time for before I would be forced to check the tautness of his six pack and run my fingers through his blond locks. Sigh......

  5. I hear you MP! Brad in that Guy Richie Movie. Was it Lock, stock or something like that?..Where he played that bare-knuckle fighter....never seen a stomach like it.

    I think I'd better have a cold shower now...x

  6. Ok just one more. Jean-Marc Barr to wake up to in the morning (he of Big Blue fame). I think I must have fantasised about him for years. Funny thing is, I went to the conema in Paris once and saw him in a film a long time after the Big Blue and he was bald and fat. Still fancied him though...

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